NFC card opens instagram app on iphone or android

 NFC card opens instagram app on iphone or android

NFC tools - (wakdev)

i used the android app.  I programmed blank NTAG512 to launch instagram.

NFC tool verion 8.9

1. open NFC tools app

2. top menu tap write

3. tap add a record

4. tap application

5. tap android robot (no need to type - search list) just because it say (works on iphone)

6. tap instagram (list is in order)

7. tap ok

8. tap write (3rd from the drop down - see image)


NOTE: this launched instagram on my iphone and android

additional info:

to launch at instagram profile page add extra item

1. open NFC tools app

2. top menu tap write

3. tap add a record

4. tap social network

5. tap instagram 

6. popup then type your username (instagram)

7. tap ok

8. tap write (3rd from the drop down - see image)

NOTE: will only open to profile on iphone NOT android

have not found a way to do it on android phone yet

  • NFC tools is free but has the PRO (paid) version too (iphone or android app)
  • (pc or mac)
  • android or iphone app
  • blank cards range in price but i got 12 for $8 USD



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