check DPI of photo on google drive

 Lots of people have been searching on how to check DPI (not resolution) of a photo on your google drive including me.  DPI (dots per inch) for printing.  You need to send a photo to company or person.

Hope this helps: sorry steps for Mac but same should work for other OS too.

First search for Google Drive unless you already have it install then you can skip ahead.

Download file

it states PC or Mac

install google drive

after install you should see an icon on the left saying Google Drive
if not then go to finder -->

go to settings (finder)

click on sidebar

check off connected servers

go to your photo in google drive you need to check DPI and open using preview

to to tools on top menu and select show inspector

after pop out box you will see DPI amout

sorry if this does not help you but it is the only way I have found to check the current DPI of an photo/image on my google drive

Thank you for looking and sorry if i missed anything..........


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